New Delhi: The highly anticipated IPL 2025 mega auction has come to an end, with several new faces making a mark, including the young talent from Bihar, Vaibhav Suryavanshi. At just 13 years old, Vaibhav has made history by becoming the youngest crorepati in IPL history, being picked up by Rajasthan Royals for a whopping Rs 1.10 crore. It was a fierce competition during the auction, with several teams vying for Vaibhav's talent, especially after his impressive trial. Ultimately, Rajasthan Royals emerged victorious, beating out Delhi Capitals in the bidding war. Interestingly, the BCCI decided to conduct a bone examination on Vaibhav Suryavanshi. This move has sparked speculation and curiosity among fans and experts alike. The reason behind this decision remains unclear, but it has certainly added an intriguing twist to the young cricketer's story.
BCCI had done bone testing of Vaibhav Suryavanshi:
13-year-old Vaibhav Suryavanshi is a tall player. In such a situation, there is a question about his age after seeing him. This question deepened in the minds of people when in an interview given in the year 2023, he said that he would be 14 years old by 27 September 2023? To clear this confusion about age, when media sources spoke to his coach Manish Ojha, he said that BCCI had done his bone testing.
According to Vaibhav Suryavanshi’s coach Manish Ojha, BCCI is not concerned with the age of the certificate. It conducts medical tests on the player. It finds out the age by getting his bone testing done and gives recognition to that only. According to him, BCCI had done Vaibhav’s bone testing when he was 9 years old. In the bone testing, his age was one year more i.e. around 10 years 2 months or 4 months. He told that the age that Vaibhav had told in the interview in the year 2023 must have been told on the basis of the age of bone testing.